Smiley, Emoji and Emoticon.
Fun text generator.
Emoticon faces, smiley face and emoji. Cool Fancy Text Generator. Copy and paste fonts.
Best of Emojis
Emoji face and more. By category. 2025 emojis included !
😆 😎 😵 😗 😈 🐻 💓 🌼 🎁 🎂 📱💻
Best of emoticons
There is an emoticon for each situation! Discover thousands of emoticons.
Weirdmaker: fun text generator
Create a fancy text with our cool text generator !
What is Smiley.Cool ?
Smiley Cool is the website dedicated to the smiley and emoticon !
With cool smiley, all emojis are referenced and categorized. A search engine can quickly find an emoji and it's easy to copy paste all emoji where you want!
On Smiley Cool there are also emoticons faces build from special characters. They are cute little heads created with symbols and other ASCII characters. We have more than 5000 emoticons. Make your choice!
You want a cool text ? With Smiley Cool you can build your own custom cool text with our cool fancy text generator. We have some weird text generator, you have just to copy paste fonts where you want !